
Veneers are thin restorations made of porcelain or composite that are bonded to the surface of your teeth to create a beautiful smile.
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Veneers are thin restorations made of porcelain or composite that are bonded to the surface of your teeth to create a beautiful smile. They generally require conservative preparation of your teeth and are custom made in the dental laboratory to create the ideal shape, colour and fit for each individual patient. Veneers may be a great solution for crooked teeth, staining that cannot be fixed by bleaching, inappropriately sized teeth, spacing between teeth and worn or chipped teeth.


Veneer placement is generally performed over the course of two office visits. During your first visit, Dr Sutton will prepare your teeth for veneer placement by carefully removing a small amount of enamel (about the thickness of the veneer itself) from your teeth, followed by an impression of your mouth to create a model of your teeth. He will also take photos and use a color guide to match the shade of your natural teeth so that your veneers look as natural as possible. After this is done, Dr. Sutton will place temporary veneers on your teeth until your permanent veneers are ready (usually after about 3-4 weeks).

On your second office visit, Dr. Sutton will remove your temporary veneers and try on each new veneer, evaluating for a precise fit and ideal esthetics, Prior to bonding them into place, Dr. Sutton will allow you to view the veneers and ensure you are completely satisfied. Due to the highly esthetic nature of veneers, an additional “try-in” appointment may be necessary to ensure the esthetics are ideal, prior to the final cementation appointment.


How long your veneers last depends on many factors. With the proper care and attention, veneers can last anywhere from seven to 20 years. Keep in mind, however, that veneers can chip or become loose and fall off. If this happens, they should be bonded back into place or replaced with new veneers. To help avoid excess wear and tear, you may want to avoid chewing on hard foods or objects, as well as using your teeth as tools to open packages. If you grind your teeth at night, you will most likely be recommended to wear a protective night guard when you sleep.


Contact Core Dental Specialty Group today to learn more about how we can work in partnership with you to solve your dental challenges.
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